3 September 2021 - 21 May 2022
Films made in the course of the year program at Prague Film School reflect a gradual progression from the basics of filmmaking to the successful completion of a well-crafted film. Each stage of the process is developed under the supervision of the faculty whose courses cover theoretical and technical topics aimed at deepening knowledge and honing technical skills.
Prague Film School is one of Europe’s leading institutions providing practical training in the core disciplines of filmmaking.
The first year program at Prague Film School is divided into two semesters. First semester, each student completes foundation courses in screenwriting, directing, cinematography and editing. Students also enroll in two elective courses while receiving additional training in sound, lighting, camera movement and grip.
Practical exercises are integrated into the curriculum and each student can work on up to16 to 20 productions in some crew capacity within the first 4 months of the program.
During the second semester, students can specialize in the area of their choice. Each specialization has its own curriculum. In all specialization areas, students are exposed to a lot of practical work on film sets.
The great emphasis of the second semester is placed on the Diploma Film, which should be of film festival quality.

Green Screen Workshop
First Semester duration: 15 weeks
The first semester curriculum of narrative filmmaking program covers foundation courses including
(1) screenwriting, (2) directing, (3) cinematography, and (4) editing, in addition to a number of other subjects which can be taken as electives (see below).
1. Foundation Courses (obligatory)
Screenwriting Course
Directing Course
Cinematography Course
Editing Course
2. Production Workflow (obligatory)
Operation of filmmaking equipment (camera, lighting and sound systems)
Crew production protocol
Sound production (recording, mixing, design)
Grip equipment (camera support systems)
3. Elective/Specialization Courses (each student takes 2 courses)
Art Direction
Arri & RED Cameras
Aspects of Film Language
Central and East European Cinema
Czech Language
Directing Actors
Directing the Camera
Documentary Theory and History
Experimental Film
Film Industry
Film Comedy
Film Analysis
Master Shot
Photography for Cinematography
Post-production effects
Post-production workflow
Screenwriting Feature Film
4. Studio Work: End of Semester Film
64 hours of studio work.
Film and practical exercises play an extremely important role in the program. Classroom-based courses are supplemented with a number of practical exercises in the studio and at different locations. In the first semester, each student completes four film projects (two exercises and two short films) of his/her own, performing the functions of screenwriter, director, cinematographer and editor on all of them. Each student works on another sixteen to twenty projects shot by other Prague Film School students.

Advanced Cinematography Workshop - Pasta Commercial Behind The Scenes - Pasta Commercial
Second semester, students at Prague Film School are encouraged to specialize in one of the core disciplines covered during the first semester (if not specializing, students have an option of signing-up for courses from the list of Elective Courses).
Each specialization entails a group or courses which must be taken in order to successfully complete the course.
Second Semester duration: 19 weeks
The specializations and the required classes are as follows:
1. Screenwriting Specialization
Screenwriting Feature
Screenwriting Diploma Films
Screenwriting Across Genres
Screenwriting Adaptations
Film Industry Business
Film Analysis
Diploma Film, Script
2. Directing Specialization
Directing Workshop
Directing Music Videos and Commercials
Directing Actors
Documentary and Fiction Film Practicum
Screenwriting Diploma Films
Editing Workshop
Diploma Film, Directing
3. Cinematography Specialization
Cinematography Workshop
Camera for Cinematographers
Cinematography Advanced
Film Analysis
Editing Workshop
Diploma Film, Cinematography
4. Editing Specialization
Editing Workshop
Editing Techniques: Commercials / Music Videos / Movie Trailers
Advanced Editing Theory
Post-Production Workflow
Computer Animation
Diploma Film, Editing
5. Elective Courses - Second Semester
Advanced Editing Theory
Acting Styles
Camera for Cinematographers
Cinematography Workshop
Cinematography Advanced
Computer Animation
Directing Workshop
Directing Actors – Advanced
Directing Actors – Beginner
Documentary Production
Documentary Workshop
Documentary & Fiction Film History
Editing Techniques: Commercials /Music Videos / Movie Trailers
Editing Workshop
Film Analysis
Film Industry
Directing Music Videos and Commercials
Photography for Cinematography: Composition
Post Production Effects
Post Production Work Flow
Screenwriting Diploma Films
Screenwriting Feature
Screenwriting Across Genres
Screenwriting Adaptations

Lunchbreak with Sigge - Second Year Filmmaking Student
The Prague Film School second year program aims to refine and broaden filmmaking skills through master classes and full-time work on film sets. The second year program is also oriented towards training talented students for the production of longer format projects using more advanced technologies (Arri Alexa, RED Epic).
The first semester of the second year program is driven by master class workshops with visiting filmmakers, course work, consultations and film projects. The semester also incorporates preproduction and preparation for the films which will be shot and edited second semester.
Visiting filmmakers will lead 3-day to 3-week practical workshops covering directing the drama, working with actors, shooting mood and atmosphere, art direction, visualization, script analysis, managing the production process, casting, rehearsals and more.
During the second semester students will be shooting 15 – 30 minute long films. Students will be in production for 45 - 60 days.
Following the production of the film, students will be involved in post production, post production
workshops and classes relating to the business of selling and promoting films.
Elements of the second semester include:
Intense preproduction and consultations prep work for film
Production of films
Post production
Seminars on sales, festivals and distribution.
Behind The Scenes - Fashion Commercial
The first semester
Show Reel Development and Shooting for Commercials
Cinematography students should have something physical to show for their time spent at Prague Film School - a body of work that is current, relevant and pertinent to today’s market. This course will introduce the students specifically to the world of the cinematographer on TV commercial productions.
We want to send our cinematography students out into the (real) world with a contemporary and professional looking show reel, a body of work that gets them in the door and working (and earning a living).
We will prep, shoot and post commercials. The aim of the workshops is two-fold: to help students build a body of professional-grade material for their show reels, and to instruct cutting-edge lighting and camera techniques under the mentorship of one of Prague’s leading DPs.
Shooting for Genre
This six-week workshop is designed along the lines of 'genre', working in different styles of lighting, format and lens selection to achieve certain 'looks' in preparation for working with the Prague Film School directing students for their second year projects.
The class projects will include the usual hi-key, low-key, mixed lighting situations in the studio but will also have a heavy emphasis on location. The location work will inculcate a better understanding of color temperature, electrical power and the instruments used for different situations. Also, as has become abundantly clear since students have moved into the various logarithmic functions of the cameras, the connection between the creation of the image in the camera and how it is read and interpreted by the color correction system will be treated.
During the second semester, students will be shooting 15 to 30 minute long films. Students will be in production for 45 to 60 days. Following the production of the film, students will be involved in post production (including color correction), post production workshops and classes relating to the business of selling and promoting films.